Profile for Meowth

Name: Meowth

Sex: Female
Favourite thing to say: "Meowth that's right"

Some interesting facts about Meowth:

Not only can she talk like a person, she can also perform Payday!
I bought Meowth at the pet store after I had been deserted by Jigglypuff and Poliwhirl...
Meowth has always been a true friend of mine...
Meowth is in love with the Meowth on the TV show that belonginging to Jessee and James of Team Rocket
Meowth has a fetish for shiny objects
Meowth once got sucked on by a Weepinbell
If Jigglypuff and Poliwhirl hadn't deserted me that one time I probably never would have met Meowth
Meowth once thought that she was the master of me. And in a way we are each others master, ne?
Hopes to one day evolve into a beautiful Persian
Loves to play with a ball of string
Likes to take catnaps
Seems to enjoy reading
Has a fetish for Goldeen. (this has inspired her to go fishing frequently)
Enjoys the taste of rodents, especially Hamsters and field mice
Can sometimes act impulsively

Meowth has her own Pokémon: Caterpie who evolved into Kakuna then into Butterfree
Meowth helped to rescue an injured Hoot Hoot one time and instantly they were bonded for life.
Meowth left me to help find Jigglypuff and Poliwhirl which she found rather quickly as she was here when I got back from looking for her.