Clefairy's Mojo Jojo Rant!

(Clefairy, after having hit head on the wall too hard, proceeds to think that Clefairy is now Mojo Jojo, arch villain...) Mwuhahahahahahaha! Hahahahahaha! Hello people, in case you might not remember me, I am Mojo Jojo and I plan to rule the world, for it is I, Mojo Jojo who has come up with a diabolical scheme that is so diabolical, that it could have only been I Mojo Jojo with my superiour intellect, that could come up with a plan so evil, and so diabolical, as to destroy the Powerpuff Girls, and any other heroes or heroines who try to stop me from ruling the world! For it is I Mojo Jojo who shall rule this world as it is my plan, and my plan, which I made myself, which is diabolical, along with my nature, as it is the nature for a villain to be diabolical, such as myself, who am diabolical, as it is my nature, which is diabolical, and thus am a villain, for I am diabolical, and villains are diabolical, such as myself, and in being diabolical, in which it is my nature, as previously stated, I have created a diabolical plan so evil that not even the Power Puff Girls can stop me. Yes, it is that evil. It is evil I wish to havoc. Not good, for if it were good, then my plan would not be evil, and since I am a villain, then having a villainous plan is good, good for me, but not for you. For since it is an evil plan, then evil stands to benefit, and that would be me, Mojo Jojo, and not you for if you were to benefit from this plan then that would not be good for me, Mojo Jojo. As then you would be benefiting, and then my plan would not be a success, as it would have failed, for it would not have succeeded, and that would not be good for me, though it would be for you, for if someone were to stop me from carrying out me evil and diabolical plan, then my plan would not be a success for it would have failed, and that is not good for me. If this plan succeeds which is the hope of this plan, it would mean a great victory, for then, I Mojo Jojo would rule over the world as a diabolical ruler and then the world would be mine and not yours, for it would be mine, and possession of it would not be yours, and would be mine. And in possession of it I could have power over all of it and would include all of you. And I, Mojo Jojo would rule this world alone, as it would not be for any one else to have rulership, other than I, for if it were ruled by someone else also, then I would not be the absolute ruler of it, and that would not be then part of the plan, which is to rule the world alone, and without you. The reason I post here is to inform you of my plan to rule this world, in which you are a part of, for if you were not informed of my plan to rule the world, then you would probably go about your business and not be aware of this diabolical plan, which I, Mojo Jojo have ingeniously created myself, for it was not at the help of someone else, for I created it myself, and as it is I who has created this plan, thus it is my plan, not your plan, for if it was your plan, then it would not have been thought up by me, and then it would be your plan and ingenuity that would rule the world and destroy the Powerpuff Girls. For with the Powerpuff Girls around, it would make trouble in my plans to rule the world, as I predict from my superiour intellect that they would try to stop me, and that would not be good, for then I would be defeated and would not have defeated them, for if I am defeated, then that would mean that they had won, which is not part of the plan, for if it were, then I would not successfully accomplish the goal as stated previously. The Powerpuff Girls must be destroyed for if they are not destroyed, then they will undoughtedly not allow me to rule the world and them along with it for they are superheroes, and as the job of superheroes, of which the Powerpuff Girls are, seeing as though they try to enstore good in the world, which is not the plot of which my diabolical plan consists of, as it is bad, and they would not like it, because it would not be in their best interest, for the interest of the Powerpuff Girls is of the opposite interest of myself, that of which is evil. And in this confliction, the best way to eliminate this trouble is to eliminate the problem, which is the girls, for they try to stop me from my goal, which would leave me defeated, which is not good, for it is not a part of the plan, which is for evil purposes, and not good which, is why they would try to stop me for in their goal to stop me, they have the opposite mission which is to stop bad, while I Mojo Jojo am trying to do evil and spread chaos, and have plans opposite those of the girls, in which would try to stop me from carrying out my mission. Why am I telling you of my diabolical plan? It is part of my plan to inform you of my plan so that you will be knowing of the plan and be ready to surrender, so as I might not have to fight you, for if I just took over the world without telling you first, then you might take that as being hostile and in such you might decide to fight me, in which would call for me to fight back, for if I did not, then I would not succeed for I would have been prevented by those of whom would not like for me to rule over them, for it is my intentions that are not good for they are bad to do things that these people would not like to have done to them, for it would be against their wishes, and thus that is why they would not want for me to be the leader of them, in which it is my intent to become, even though they would not like it, the reason being of which the plan would have no benefit for them. So what I am trying to say, for if you have not comprehended that which has aforthwhich been mentioned I shall attempt to clarify for you, for if you do not understand the objective of my posting then you would probably be unaware of the fact that you are included on my diabolical plan and what is in store for you would not be good, for it would have no benefit for you whatsoever, for I, Mojo Jojo am the one who is to benefit from this plan, and not you, for if you were the ones to benefit, then people like me would be defeaterd by the Powerpuff Girls and put in jail for that is the place where Mojo Jojo gets put, when he is defeated by the Powerpuff Girls. Curses, curses, curses, but that is not to happen for it is not of the plan in which I have so cleverly come up with myself, and of which is diabolical and evil. And now, if you will surrender to me, and to inform everyone else of the terror that is to come from this villainous leadership of yours truly, Mojo Jojo. For if everyone is prepared to submit their surrendership to me, then my plan shall be carried out more easily by me than if there was resistance imposed upon to me for conquering, and making this planet the planet of Mojo Jojo. Which is justly named so, for it would belong to me, and in belonging to me, would entitle for me to name it, and in naming it, would be suited and easy to understand why it would be named Mojo Jojo for, it would be I, Mojo Jojo who would rule this planet, thus having it named Mojo Jojo, which in doing so, it would be named after me, for which the planet of which would be controlled by me, and thus justly named, for it would be my planet, and no one elses and I alone would rule, without any Powerpuff Girls, Sailor Moon or anyone else to stop me, and thus prevent me from carrying out my evil and diabolical plan to defeat the Powerpuff Girls, and to conquer the world, which at that point would have successfully carried out my evil and diabolical plan to do no good, and at which time woiuld no longer have to make a new plan to crush the Powerpuff Girls for I would have already succeeded in my plan, thus not forcing me to come up with a new plan, for that would not be neccesary, for I would have already accomplished my goal, and in having accomplished my goal, would have no use for accomplishing the same goal twice, for if the world is mine, why would I need to conquer it again, for that does not make sense, because sense it does not make in that I would have already conquered the world, and would have no use for conquering a planet in which I have dominated and have previously conquered for who would I conquer the planet from, myself? That would be stupid and foolish for that is what it would be for, it would make no sense, thus making it stupid and foolish, and also a waste of time as I need not to conquer myself, for I am already in charge of myself, and thus would have no need for attempting to control myself, being in that I would already have control of myself and be the greatest villain of all time, all of which would be done though the brilliant plan of which I, Mojo Jojo have brilliantly come up with. So as I have previously mentioned, you are to help me to carry out my plan for which I have created, so as not to waste anyones time. Save yourself time by not putting up a fight for if you put up a fight, then that would make things more difficult for both of us, and would waste the time of all of us, which has no meaning, as it would be foolish and wasteful, of time that is. For if you were to fight me, that would mean that you would have to think of how to prevent me from carrying out my plan, which would take time, and then upon which would need to have away for your plan to stop me to be carried out, which would also take more of the time in which could be saved by an unconditional surrender of the planet Earth to I, Mojo Jojo, who is to become the leader of this planet, preferably not by force, for if it were by force, then that would require an additional effort on my part to make sure that I would not be prevented by some force, possibly the Powerpuff Girls, for it is the Powerpuff Girls who are the ones who try to get in my way, and thus preventing me from carrying out my evil and diabolical plan, upon which is to crush and destroy the Powerpuff Girls, and also to rule the world and wreak havoc upon this world upon which at the time would then be mine, for it would have been, I, Mojo Jojo, who would have conquered it, and thus make it into the possesion of Mojo Jojo, upon that time, would no longer be named Earth, but Mojo Jojo, for that would be the ruler upon rules the planet formerly known as Earth, which would no longer be known as that for it would be known as Mojo Jojo, for that would be the name of the planet upon which I would rule over, thus giving it an adequate name. Now that I, Mojo Jojo have informed you of why you should not resist, and surrender freewillingly, it is time for you to surrender to me and to help me crush the Powerpuff Girls, for if you do not help me in my plan to crush the Powerpuff Girls, then I will be forced to come up with a new plan upon which to get you to assist me in carrying out my evil and diabolical plan to crush and destroy the Powerpuff Girls. So, from what I have said is it not obvious that you should help me to crush the Powerpuff Girls so that I may in turn conquer you? Just make it easier for all of us and surrender or beware what fateful plan I might have in store for you if you do not surrender willingly, which would also be diabolical and evil, such is the nature of my plan, for the nature of my plan holds such things diabolical and evil to fit my diabolical and evil nature as I previously mentioned. And now that I have informed you of my evil and diabolical plan and why you should help me to carry out my evil and diabolical plan, it is time for you to help me out to carry out this evil and diabolical plan which starts out to crush the Powerpuff Girls who are my enemies, and anyone else who should try to stop me at achieving this great goal of mine as set forth earlier. What do you say? (looks out to a mob of angry people....) Why are all you people staring at me like that? (Anonymous crowd member yells: "What is wrong with you you mad mad monkey person you? How dare you try to subject us to your hateful and evil schemes and try to turn us against the ones we love?") (Another anonymous crowd member yells: "Sit down you evil creep.") (Anonymous crowd members throw bricks at Clefairy, hitting Clefairy in the head knocking Clefairy unconsciouss...) (Anonymous crowd member says: "Can you imagine that Clefairy thinking that it is Mojo Jojo and trying to wreak havoc on people like that and destroy the Powerpuff Girls?") (anonymous crowd member responds: "Lady, I've been here for at least as long as you've been here....") (It appears that a riot might occur amongst the group of angry people...) (Clefairy regains conscioussness...) What....... happened? to me? (notices bump on head...) Ow! What am I doing here in the villains forum? Ow! My head.... Have I been typing something? Well, I guess I'd better post and get out of here before those angry looking people cause a raucus, and well, Clefairy better get away from here......... (Clefairy no longer thinks of itself as Mojo Jojo.... but Clefairy had better watch out not to bump its head any more...)

Smurfy Sailor's Corner of the Universe