Clefairy Stories

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Page 14

What was so confusing about it? What are you not getting? Clefairy was turned into Teamrocketman. Fighter for what is wrong. What is so confusing about that? Enough willpower remained within Teamrocketman of Clefairy for him to desire to return to his normal lovable clefairy self. He eventually found a way to make it happen. Dead boss of Team Rocket, Clefairy restored back to normal. Is it still confusing? If so please let me know, and in what manner so that I may attempt to clarify it for you. I will include my previous two posts in with this one if that helps at all. Meowth? She is madly in love with Team Rocket's Meowth. (from the tv show) She has been madly in love with him for quite some time now. Even before I was turned into Teamrocketman. But she had assured me that she did not have any desire to be bad like him. :-/ After i was turned into Teamrocketman. She didn't seem to mind the transition one bit. She actually seemedalmost kinda happy about it. Still would fish for Goldeen. (her fav food) and go about things as if nothing was the matter at all. Even now, as i type this she is admiring a pic of Meowth she found. I'm kinda wondering what is going on with Meowth. I mean she is a really nice pokémon and all, but I'm wondering what it is that she is seeing in Team Rocket's Meowth. I'm afraid she might get influenced by the temptations of evil that of which being those of the evils of Team Rocket. :-O What if she joined up with Team Rocket? And ended up fighting for the bad guys? All over that Team Rocket Meowth. And like she would ever get to meet him in person? I mean he is a famous tv star meowth. I dunno. Just some thoughts to think about. Am I being too concerned about her? I could use some sleep. I just care about her very much and I wouldn't want to see her get hurt by Team Rocket. :*-( I hope i have clarified things for you better at least. *LOL* I missed you. *huggles*
Prepare for trouble...and make it double... :-X

Of course times change. You think I don't know that? Didn't times change when I became Teamrocketman? Am I even the same Clefairy I used to be back in V2? *ponders thought* Toonami sure keeps changing. Not even close to what it was back in the day of the ORIGINAL Toonami hosted by the cool Moltar. *LOL* All kinds of change. Butterfree wasn't always a Butterfree. And have you seen pics of me when I was just a lil baby Cleffa? Now change can be good, and change can be bad. Just depends on how you view it. *LOL* Do you like the change in my song? (sings) Pi Pi Pi Pi Pippi... (stops singing...) :-D Change change change.... (sings) Pi Pi Pi Pi Pippi... (stops singing...) :-D (sings) Pi Pi Pi Pi Pippi... (stops singing...) :-D (sings) Pi Pi Pi Pi Pippi... (stops singing...) :-D (sings) Pi Pi Pi Pi Pippi... (stops singing...) :-D (sings) Pi Pi Pi Pi Pippi... (stops singing...) :-D (sings) Pi Pi Pi Pi Pippi... (stops singing...) :-D (sings) Pi Pi Pi Pi Pippi... (stops singing...) :-D
What would happen if I turned into Clefable? :-O "Fear the change....only Toonami.."

Whelp, when I get around to it. I haven't updated that section in quite some time. I also have a whole buncha posts that could use to be added to my Life Story section at my site. *LOL* Do you have any pics of Sailor Sun that I could smurf? :-/ I haven't made any of those sailor smurf pics in quite some time. oh well. (sings) Clefairy Clefairy Clefairy... (stops singing...) :-D
So many posts to add that this section of my site will have doubled from what it previously was before the addition of these 7 new pages that I add tonight.

YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY! *huggles* That was a good match, ne? *enjoys sweet sweet taste of tree sap....* Oh this is just the yummiest tree sap, don't you think? What kind of tree is this, anyways? :-/ Is it a sudowoodo? Soooooooo yummy. Think we should try to catch some of these trees in a pokéball? So we can snack on the yummy sweet sap later? :-/ (sings) Clefairy Clefairy Clefairy... (stops singing...) :-D
mmmmmmm...... yummy tree sap.....:-P

Chapter 18: Yet Another transition in the Life Story of Clefairy!

And once again Clefairy has left grep of course with really good reasons.... and his new name is Phantom Haunter. Lets just say things got to be too much for Clefairy at grep. And as I mentioned before, Clefairy no like being in pokéballs.... >:O Guess what someone at grep put me in. -_- Now I am the spirit of Clefairy taking on this form of Phantom Haunter. What new adventures are to come forth in the future in the life story of Clefairy? Well, lets just wait and see....
"Should you fear that of which you do not see?"
-Phantom Haunter 9/17/2001